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"I might be that guy with big earlobes or that guy with tattoos, but that's okay because they remember." - Joshua Coburn


Why is stretching with acrylic bad?


Silicone is porous, which means it harbors bacteria. The actual action of stretching with silicone is absurd. You are placing something into your ear and having it violently force your piercing to accommodate it. It’s a recipe for disaster and unhealthy lobes. Blowouts, tears you can’t see inside your lobe, tears visibly outside your lobe and even ripping your lobe in half happen when you stretch with silicone. Silicone is also slightly tacky, so it will grip to any wound you might have and will tear your skin off when you try to remove it.


Why should I use lube and what kind should I buy?


Lube decreases the friction on your lobes and helps you stretch more easily. You should use lube every time you stretch. You can use vitamin e oil, emu oil, jojoba oil, Bio Oil, organic olive oil or any water based sex lube.


How should I clean my ears and jewelry? How often should I be cleaning them?


You should clean your ears and jewelry daily with just warm water and antibacterial soap. Do not use rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide as it will dry out your skin and is far too harsh.


How long will my piercing take to heal?


Your healing time depends on your own body’s ability to heal itself. If you are prone to infectious piercings than you may find that your healing time is much longer than someone who never has any issues dealing with the healing of their piercings. Generally speaking healing time can take anywhere between 1-6 months providing that you correctly care for your piercing. It is not uncommon for some piercings to take even longer than 6 months to heal though.


Why should you use sea salt to clean your piercing and not table salt?


 Sea salt is a natural cleaning agent. (you know how people say going into the ocean helps heal your body). Table salt is a lot different and is actually more harsh and burns the skin/piercing. Obviously the difference is in the actual makeup of the product. Table salt contains iodine and sea salt does not.


How can I make a piercing scar shrink or a hole to close up faster?


Use emu oil, jojoba oil, vitamin E oil, bio-oil and massage into the scar/hole twice daily from as soon as the piercing is removed. Please note that the hole will close as quick as the time your body can heal itself and this is different among each individual.

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